Flourish Yoga – Tuesday, April 23rd 7pm

I’m excited to offer Flourish Yoga 🌀💖 with Maribeth Amber this Tuesday evening at 7pm in Biddeford!

This beautiful blend of movement meditation, vinyasa flow and yin yoga, along with energy healing and a soothing sound bath will help balance your body, mind, and soul.

We’ll be practicing the Trimurtri Mudra, pictured here, which allows us to flow through transitions with ease and peace. 🕊️ You can use this Mudra to harness divine feminine energy, connect with your higher self, center yourself, and bring focus to your innermost dreams and intentions. Allow yourself to fully live your purpose. 🔥🌊✨

Tuesday’s full moon 🌝 in Scorpio ♏️ after the solar eclipse is powerfully calling us to dive deep and uproot any doubts, fears, or patterns of behavior that do not serve us. In this way we create space for the totality of ourselves and our gifts and talents to emerge. We are able to share that which we are truly here to share but may have not been ready to until now. These yogic practices and energy healing techniques can strongly support us in this process. 🙏

Free of charge for this initial session, and gratefully accepting donations. Don’t let cost hold you back from attending! Even this one session will provide you with some powerful tools to take home.

Message me to sign up or for more info, or see www.flourish-me.life!

Our Teachers

Who are some of your greatest teachers, past and present?

People who have shown you important truths. Truths that, sometimes, you may not want to have heard or seen.

Now is a good time to honor them. Take some moments of stillness and quiet. Consider these teachers, their lessons, and how you responded to them.

Thank them for their wisdom.

What can you do to honor the truths they have illuminated?

Write it down. Be intentional.

What small steps can you take now toward living in alignment with those truths?

Fold the piece of paper and carefully burn it with water nearby. Or save it in a private place until the next new moon or full moon.

Check in then and re-commit. Make adjustments as necessary. Do it all with reverence, gratitude, and love.

Know the energy you create makes beautiful waves around you. Your teachers receive your gratitude. Alchemize your energy. 🙏

Living in Reciprocity with Nature

A main theme and practice of shamanism is living in reciprocity with nature. Here are some ideas to inspire your growing relationship with nature.

🌅 Wake up to greet the rising sun. Bask in its warm rays and give thanks for a new day.

🌇 Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate the sunset daily. Be outdoors if possible.

🏖️ Bring a bag and pick up trash when you’re walking on the beach or at a park.

🌲Greet trees, stones, and animals in the forest as if they are beloved friends.

🌑 Create intentions and go inward on new moons, choosing candlelight over electricity and screen time.

🌕 Celebrate full moons outdoors when possible, letting go of what you no longer need and offering it to the earth.

🌻 Plant seeds and create an indoor or outdoor garden, tending to the plants and being truly present with them, noticing their unique characteristics and energy.

🐶 Spend time with pets – your own or other people’s pets – and again, be truly present with them, gaining a new understanding of their feelings and needs, and creating a stronger relationship with better communication.

🥗 Be mindful of food choices, choosing whole, unprocessed foods when possible.

💦 Be mindful of water usage—turn it off when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving, take shorter showers, collect rainwater to water plants.

🧘‍♀️ Practice yoga, breath work, tai chi or qi gong to become more in tune with the universal rhythms of nature.

I hope this post inspires you on your journey. 💖 What other ideas do you have for living in reciprocity with nature?

Heal Your Heart, Live Life Alive

“Healer of hearts” is a misnomer in a way, since we are all our own healers. It is just a simple phrase to communicate the ultimate goal of my work:

To allow healing on the deepest levels possible, so we can live more fully and with more health, joy, presence, and peace

Finding assistance on our healing path is an invaluable key to growth and transformation. Working with ancient techniques (such as breath work, meditation, yoga, and Reiki), coaching, and plant medicines (such as essential oils, teas, and tinctures), I can assist you on your unique journey.

We all have the power within us to live life fully alive by connecting with our heart. When you live life alive, you are not just going through the motions of day-to-day existence, but actually being present to what is happening in each moment. Connecting with our heart allows us to live with more peace and equanimity. It allows us to be truly present for ourselves, our responsibilities, and our loved ones.

Your heart is not only continuously pumping fresh oxygenated blood throughout your entire body. It is also the seat of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The heart is the most primal and truest part of your being on every level. Your heart is connected to every other being’s heart, and the heart of Mother Nature herself.

“The heart beats before the brain forms. When the brain is dead, the heart continues to beat so long as it has oxygen. In fact, the heart has 40,000 neurons and the ability to process, learn, and remember. It also has its own emotions.”1

I would be honored to be part of your wellness journey. Please reach out for availability and rates. Check back regularly for updates and events! ♥️


1 Psychology Today. 2020. “The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field Is Your Superpower.” November 29. Available at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/building-the-habit-of-hero/202011/the-hearts-electromagnetic-field-is-your-superpower.